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Hello friends, my name is WF White and this is the HOME page for the Soul Refuge website. I encourage you to read my testimony which you can do by clicking the link right next to the HOME page. We are truly living in the “last days” and I hope to be posting more articles shortly considering the times that we are living in. You can also find a ton of videos on the You Tube channel which also goes by the same name of “Soul Refuge.” I quote the scriptures often in both my writings and the videos because I know from personal experience that it was the TRUTH that set me FREE!

The Vatican Papacy and The Assassination of President Lincoln

Most people have no idea that the "Church of Rome" is a religious-political machine (a monster in God's sight) that seeks to control and rule the world. Former President Lincoln was not ignorant of the devices of the Church of Rome towards him, (especially the Jesuits) and Pope Pius IX...

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Beware of the Synagogue of SATAN!

The term "Synagogue of Satan" is a term which the Lord Jesus Christ used twice in the book of Revelation, and it is something that we need to be aware of. The Lord did not hesitate to associate false believers with our adversary Satan, and therefore the true minister of Jesus Christ should not...

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The POPISH Ministries of our Modern Day!

All the way back in 2005 there was a Pastor who was fired from his job as host on a Christian radio program, because of something that he said on the air. Here is an excerpt from an article from Charisma Now: "Marty Minto 39, a senior Pastor of the 100 member, Turning Point Community Church in New...

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Get SAVED For REAL and be SET FREE From Religion!

As a former Roman Catholic, I truly appreciate who the REAL Jesus Christ is now more than ever, and I will continue to preach the truth until Jesus comes. What a grand deliverance it is, to know that I do not need to go through an earthly Priest to have my sins forgiven at a confessional booth, or...

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Ecumenical Madness: What’s a Hundred Curses Between Friends?

As a former Roman Catholic, it never ceases to amaze me that there is such little resistance to the modern-day ecumenical movement in the world today. I remind you once again that we are fortunate to have a Bible in our hands because of the many men and women of God who stood against the church of...

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Have You Been DUPED by the “Secret Invisible Rapture” Theory?

Countless millions of very sincere Christians have been taught that they will be whisked away and taken up in a "secret invisible rapture" of believers, but those same precious souls have been SINCERELY deceived. It is NOT going to happen that way. Many of the false preachers of our day have even...

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Jesus Conquered DEATH For SINFUL Humanity

Have you ever taken the time to understand what the resurrection of Jesus Christ means for the true believer? It is quite interesting. Here is what happened after Jesus Christ rose from the dead and appeared before his closest followers: "And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of...

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Are Catholics SAVED Who Seek HELP From “Mother Mary”?

Can a Roman Catholic person still be SAVED if they seek help from "Mother Mary" and continue to PRAY to her? Should they not be calling upon the Father in the name of Jesus, IF they have been truly born again of the Spirit? If you are a Roman Catholic and you believe that you are genuinely born...

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The AMAZING Testimony of the Apostle Paul

The book of Acts contains some of the most compelling accounts of real-life Christianity in the entire Word of God. In the twenty sixth chapter of that book there is an account of the Jewish apostle Paul testifying before a King, of how he met the true and living God. Here is a portion of Paul's...

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Will You Also Be Deceived by the Roman Catholic Church?

All the way back in late 2015 the current Pope Francis came riding into Washington DC in a little black fiat. Did you happen to notice the Vatican Flag on the Pope's little black Fiat as he rode around Washington D.C? That Vatican flag has the Vatican "coat of arms" plastered on it for all to see,...

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